Refurbished & Used Cisco Catalyst 4900 Series Switches
Introducing the Cisco Catalyst 4900 series switch from Alta Tech, the ultimate high-performance switch for large enterprise networks and data centers. With advanced features such as Gigabit Ethernet and PoE+ capabilities, advanced security, and Quality of Service (QoS), this switch is designed to keep your network running smoothly and securely.
Since 1995, clients have counted on Alta's expert team of engineers, who fully test and certify all of our used Cisco Catalyst 4900 Series Switches, so you can be confident that you're getting highly reliable systems & parts that "just work".
Request a quote today or call and ask one of our Cisco Product Managers at 800-546-2582. We offer new, used, and refurbished Cisco Hardware and are always looking to buy your excess Cisco Catalyst 4900 series switches hardware.