Sun Fire E2900 Server Information:
The Sun Fire E2900 server stands out as an entry-priced, midrange data center solution aligned with Sun's Throughput Computing Strategy. Powered by the dual-threaded UltraSPARC™ IV processor, Sun's pioneering Chip Multithreading (CMT) technology, it delivers more than double the throughput of previous UltraSPARC™ III systems within the same footprint. With configurations supporting up to twelve processors and running on Solaris™ Operating Environment versions 8, 9, or 10, it ensures compatibility with existing applications.
Ideal for workloads demanding higher processing power than earlier UltraSPARC II or III-based servers, such as the Sun Enterprise 4500 or Sun Fire V1280, the E2900 incorporates robust reliability, availability, and serviceability (RAS) features. These include hot-swappable CPU/memory boards using Dynamic Reconfiguration, along with hot-swappable power supplies, disks, and fans, all complemented by alarms and Lights Out Management. Redundant power supplies and "smart fans" enhance system resilience and efficiency, making the Sun Fire E2900 server a dependable choice for diverse enterprise applications.